ITC Offers Website Vulnerability Auditing

Your website is a crucial part of your business as it helps you both market to your potential customers and connect with your current ones. But how secure is your website, really? If you can’t answer this question, now might be the perfect time to contact ITC.

What Are Some Common Website Vulnerabilities?

Your website may be open for business, but it may also be an open door for criminals. There are many reasons that your website might be vulnerable, and they often focus on infrastructure. These include:

  • Outdated CMS. If you’re currently utilizing a content management system, you might want to check to see if the most recent version is loaded on your platform. Shopify, WordPress, Squarespace, and other popular content management systems can leave your website open to security exploits.
  • Third party plug-ins. There are many different types of plug-ins and themes that come from third-party developers. Unfortunately, if they are not properly maintained or well-coded, they can also introduce security threats.
  • Poor security practices. Security is not a set-it-and-forget-it set of intentions for your website. If you’re not constantly requiring strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and regular data backups, your website may need a helping hand.

How ITC Can Help

ITC offers website audits for businesses looking to assess and increase their security. By commissioning regular website audits, you and your IT team can identify and address potential issues before they manifest as a problem. Just as important, having your website audited will ensure that you stay informed of the latest security threats and the ways to combat them.

Are you ready to prioritize website security? Contact ITC today and let one of our website vulnerability experts schedule a time to help you enhance your online security.