New Vulnerability Management Technology Keeps Digital Assets Safe

ITC recently announced its new initiative in vulnerability management technology. But what does that mean? And why is it important for businesses of all sizes?

As Newburgh’s Premier managed technology services provider, ITC is known for going above and beyond when helping its customers secure their digital assets. The company continually adds services that help businesses do just that. In recent months, ITC launched a new Vulnerability Management Solution that proactively detects threats, scans running applications and other potential breach points, and provides detailed reporting so that businesses can make more informed decisions regarding risks.

What Needs Protecting

As a small or medium-sized business owner, you might not know the type of treasure trove that your systems and networks contain. However, according to the information technology experts at ITC, your assets are in high demand. This includes customer data, such as names, contact details, and purchase history; intellectual property, such as trademarks and developmental data; and your electronic communications.

This type of digital information is stored on computers, mobile devices, servers, and cloud storage applications.

Benefits Of Vulnerability Management Technology

Vulnerability management technology is not a set-it-and-forget-it product. Instead, it offers a comprehensive suite of services that offer a host of benefits to businesses of all sizes. This includes:

  • Reduction of financial loss. Businesses that experience a data breach may experience significant financial losses due to everything from legal fines and expenses to damage to their reputation.
  • Enhanced customer trust. Customers want to know that their personal information is protected at all times. A company proactive in providing this piece of mind is a company that customers want to do business with again and again.
  • Regulatory compliance. Many industries have strict and specific data privacy regulations. Noncompliance with these can result in fines and penalties. Partnering with ITC, businesses required to maintain compliance have access to all of the tools and knowledge needed to stay legal.
  • Reduced operational disruptions. A cyber-attack can and does disrupt business operations for days, weeks, or months. This downtime and lost productivity can cost businesses big bucks, but having a proactive plan in place means getting back to service as soon as possible.

Are you ready to look into vulnerability management? Contact us at 854.561.4440