Public Enemy #1 Could Be Waiting In Your Inbox

If you sit at any workspace in your company’s network, you’ll find in boxes filled with emails. Could one of those emails pose a security threat?

Companies utilize emails as a main source of communication. Unfortunately, email Is an easy way to destroy a company’s network. That is why at ITC, our goal is to utilize innovative AI (Artificial Intelligence) anti-phishing technology to protect small and midsized businesses from cyberattacks through the most prevalent tactic, email phishing.

Cyber criminals use phishing, the fraudulent practice of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies to get individuals to provide personal information, including company data, passwords, or credit card numbers.

There have been substantial increases in cybercrime in recent years with many attacks successfully breaching major infrastructure systems. While some cybercriminals prefer to target larger organizations, many of those organizations have responded by investing heavily into cybersecurity solutions to fortify their defenses to such a high level that they become less appealing targets. As those larger companies form stronger cyber-crime prevention strategies, cybercriminals have shifted their focus to smaller businesses who possess the very weak infrastructure and little to no cybersecurity.

43% of cyber attacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves. *

Human Error Is A Leading Reason Cybercrime Is Effective Human error remains one of the leading reasons that a business is affected by cybercrime. Even with consistent employee education and awareness training, we’ve found that one of the fastest, most effective ways to minimize organizations risk significantly is to limit employee access to phishing emails in the first place.

When you automatically filter out suspicious-looking emails before they reach your employees, you remove the possibility of human error altogether. Our AI technology is a great solution because we’ve found that the app is constantly learning, becoming smarter and more efficient every second that you have it turned on.

Once a small and midsized business is attacked, 60% go out of business within 6 months. **

A Solution Tailored Specifically For Your Organization Is Important Business owners can gain peace of mind by finding a cybersecurity solution that protects them malware, data loss, anomalies, and other methods of cyberattack. ITC takes the time to understand your business so we can tailor a computer security solution specifically for your organization. We’ll make sure that your defense system is invisible to hackers and adds in as many layers of security as needed to prevent a breach of your company’s network. This increases their likelihood of just looking elsewhere for a weaker infrastructure to target.

For more information about password management or any of the other services offered by ITC, please call 845-561-4440 or visit us at

* According to Accenture

** According to